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This section is a mix of photos I took over the years in the different places I have lived in and/or traveled to. I own a Nikon reflex camera but mostly use iPhone now out of convenience and laziness. I rework the photos on Photoshop or the iPad app Sketchbook Pro. They are often accompanied by a quote. Some of these pics are nostalgic; some are hopeful. Some are recent; some are old. They are classified without order, like a tapestry of travels, experiences, reflections, and memories.

Pareidolia: the vision of an illusion in an object (I.e. to see in a cloud a little poodle running in the sky)
Normandie, 2023

Daliesque Beach
Costa Brava, Spain, 2023

Sad Clown
Baltimore,  2021

Hamster with a Hat
Normandie, 2023

Sant Jordi 

Barcelona, Spain, 2011

Forever a  dead butterfly
Baltimore, 2016

Just like any snow flake
India,  2017

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Baobab spring leaves
Baltimore, 2020

Cotton Field
NC, USA,  2021

Invincible Flower
Albert Camus, 2017

End of the Tunnel
Barcelona, 2012

Le bon Marché
Paris, 2016 

 Booze and Drugs
Baltimore, 2016

5th Avenue
NY, USA, 2009

Le Pont des Arts
Paris, 2016

The main. societal problem before cell phones were around
Baltimore, 2016

All the Volkswagen Beatles left in the world are in Cairo, Egypt, 2023

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...Along with the old and iconic American cars from the 50's. Cuba, 2023

Except those in La Paz, Bolivia, 2022

On Reading and Traveling

Nicosia, Cyprus, 2023

Dead End Route 66
Arizona, 2021

Quote by Ernest Becker Catacombes of Paris, 2022

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...and the ones that are in Cuba, 2023

Rainy Rue de Rivoli.
Paris, 2016

Quote by French poet Jacques Prevert?
Baltimore, 2017

Dead End Quay 
Santander, Spain, 2023

Same place, same photo, a Monty Python quote, and a different font. 
Perspective is everything

There is only one serious problem: Suicide. Albert Camus, 2021

Birth and Death of a Lily Flower

Baltimore, 2020

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A heartbeat, a blink of an eye, a beat of a bee wing, two shakes of a lamb tale.
India, 2017

Your Bicycle?
Baltimore, USA, 2022

Iconic Bicycle,
Penang, Malaysia,  2022

Hayat Kisa - Life is short!
Istanbul, Türkiye,  2023

Neon light Bicycle sign
Singapore,  2023

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No one disturbs you when you dream
Spain, 2012

Hopeful Bicycle
NJ, USA, 2014

Nostalgic Bicycle
Costa Rica, 2022

Frustrating Bicycle
Penang, Malaysia,  2022

Upsidedown Bicycle
Cuba,  2023

                               Messy Bicycle
الناس لبعضها or "El nas le ba3d-ha" means "people are for each other". It is the first sentence I heard upon arriving in Egypt. It captures the Egyptian concept of solidarity and togetherness. 
Cairo,  2023

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